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Welcome to
Holy Name of Jesus

Parish Office & Rectory

213 W. Green St.

West Hazleton, PA 18202

Phone: 570-454-3933


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Masses at Holy Name of Jesus

Effective February 10, 2024  

Monday No Mass

Tuesday No Mass

Thursday at 7 pm (Spanish),

Saturday at 4 pm (English),

Spanish Mass at 12 noon.



Holy Name of Jesus Food Sale:
Saturday Sept. 14th Noon to 6pm or sell out

Halupki, Haluski, Sausage & Peppers, and Bean Soup



Whether you have loved ones buried in either one of our cemeteries or not, please consider contributing to our Cemetery Fund for both Transfiguration and SS Peter & Paul cemeteries. Donated funds will allow us to honor the many souls and better maintain the grounds. Grass cutting is a major expense during the summer months. Another major project is the center platform in Transfiguration’s cemetery, the base is corroding away. Before the problem worsens we need to consider taking the large cross to ground level and removing the cemented platform. This would be a major undertaking. If there is anyone willing to donate their machinery and labor. Please contact Pete Lamont at 570-578-9366.

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Thurs. 6:00 - 6:30 pm (Spanish)

Sat. 3:15 - 3:45 pm (English)

Sun. 11:15 - 11:45 am (Spanish)

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