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About Us

The first pastor of the  Parish in West Hazleton was the Rev. J. Gratza. Despite the brevity of his pastorate — 1906 to 1907 very important steps were taken in regard to the building of a new church. To meet the immediate needs the church, services were held in a nearby public school.  The name of the parish at that time was Holy Trinity, but the Bishop  Hoban  asked that the church be renamed since there were two additional areas churches with the same name.  The church was renamed "Transfiguration"  and the  cornerstone was placed in 1907 ,  the parishioners continued to raise money and the church was completed in 1920.  From 1927 to 1931, the prayers for a parish school were answered with the construction of an elegant, yet practical school to serve the surrounding community.  In 1943, the church saw some interior renovations including new liturgical altars and a large crucifix above the main altar. The bell tower and the organ were also rebuilt. A new rectory was constructed in 1956-1957, replacing the home from the 1850's that no longer met the needs of the three priests assigned there. The parish name was changed to its present name, Holy Name of Jesus in 2011 , during a restructuring of area parishes.

Our Pastors:
Deacon Vincent M. Oberto
Parish Life Coordinator
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Rev. Benito Hierro Aquino (Holy Name of Jesus)
 Rev. Connell McHugh
Sacramental Minister
Reverend Peter J. O'Rourke
Pastor Emeritus


Secretary/Office Manager Cindy Boris

Building & Maintenance Bill Getz

Bookkeeper Dominic Pino


Director of Religious Ed. Susan Houseknecht Barbara Bayzik

Monsignor Arthur J. Kaschenbach
January 3, 2023 



Baptism: Parents should call the Parish Office to make arrangements.

Baptism Preparation: (Español) Raquel & Gregorio Rosario - 347-847-6966

Matrimony: Arrangements for a marriage should be made at least 6 months prior to the wedding date, even up to a year. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange an appointment with the priest. Couples must attend a Pre- Cana program prior to their marriage. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please contact the Parish Office if a family member is in the hospital, unable to attend Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist or the Anointing of the Sick. Holy Communion is brought to the sick, hospitalized and homebound on a regular basis by the priest or Extraordinary Ministers of the parish.

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